NC Console Pendant

by Winter City Software Corporation


not available

The NC Console Pendant app replaces a hardwired pendant for use with NC Console software on Calypso Waterjet and American Waterjet gantries with Mark IV controls. The Pendant app runs on most recent Android phones and tablets and connects to your control console PC over a Bluetooth link. You can use the Pendant app to move the cutting head, set soft home, cancel running cutting programs and interact with various setup and calibration wizards. You must obtain an update for NC Console with Bluetooth device support to use this app. You must also provide a working Bluetooth interface on your control console PC. Normally this can be accomplished by purchasing a nano USB Bluetooth dongle, inserting it into a USB port on the side of the control console and then installing the manufacturer's drivers.
Please read the Pendant help file before purchasing this app. Please pay particular attention to the sections entitled "Safety and Security" and "Privacy Notice" near the end of the document. Click on the "Visit Website" link near the bottom of this page to view the help file or obtain a copy of the help file in PDF format.